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Agency of the United Way of Clark, Champaign and madison Counties

Volunteer Opportunities

We are always in need of volunteers to help at the H.E.L.P. House. Are you able to help us regularly? Please check out our Weekly Opportunities. We have opportunities on Monday evenings, Tuesday afternoons, and Wednesday and Friday mornings.


In addition to our weekly needs, we hold several outreaches each year. During those events, we have even more opportunities to help, including distributing Easter baskets, school supplies, Christmas gifts, and winter coats.


Volunteering is an awesome way to help the H.E.L.P. House if you're not in a position where you can contribute financially. Our volunteers include people from the community and even our own clients who want to give back to the H.E.L.P. House. 

Have you thought about volunteering?

"Yes, but... I don't know if can relate to people in poverty."

Yes, you can because we are the same. These past few years have placed so many people in financial jeopardy. We have volunteers who have become clients and clients who have become volunteers. To learn more about our clients, check out our Who Are Our Clients? page.


"Yes, but... I don't have the time."

Just a couple of hours per week or per month can help us immensely! See our volunteer schedule for opportunities. Become a regular Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday, or volunteer whenever you have time.


"Yes, but... I don't want to preach to people."

We don't either! Yes, we are faith-based, but we are non-denominational and non-descriminatory. We show love to our fellow human beings and try to help them stretch through another month or help them get back on their feet.


Yes, but... I'm disabled."

We have such a variety of tasks that we can definitely help you find the right fit for you. We can use whatever talents you might have.


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