We invite you to support the H.E.L.P. House now and into 2020 through donations (food, monetary, clothes and toys) and volunteering!
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Agency of the United Way of Clark, Champaign and madison Counties
Client focused, biblically based
To serve children, families and individuals in poverty by providing food, clothing, emergency assistance, and God's love. We focus on recognizing their struggles within a loving environment along with dignity and respect.
Upcoming Event
The H.E.L.P. House organizes various outreaches throughout the year to provide children and families in need with food, items, and experiences. See below for the next upcoming event. To see all upcoming events, please visit the events page.
Nov 23, 2019, 9:00 AM
Help House
Consistent with our "choice" food pantry, registered clients shop for a complete Thanksgiving Dinner, choosing the items they want to prepare on Thanksgiving Day. Clients must register in person at the H.E.L.P. House.
latest news
A new group has formed: London Homeless Advocates Board President Ralph Jones has organized a Board and has begun working with clients -...
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