Twenty years ago, in 1999, I was sixty-four, living a comfortable life. But I saw children and families in our community who were not comfortable. They didn't have life's essntials -- food, clothing, and support as they tried to navigate through life. Little by little, I started a ministry to these neighbors in need. And I found a new passion.
When I looked around at our volunteers -- both client-volunteers and the community -- I see all ages. We are blessed by groups and individuals who also enjoy helping others. And then I realize some of our faithful helpers are others who have completed their careers and moved into retirement work or activities. Senior citizens just like me!
We cannot survive without volunteers. We do not (yet!) have the financial foundating to hire any staff, and that is a barrier. But then I look at the efforts and generosity of our volunteers, and I see the blessings in the involvement of our community coming together with faith into action.
This time, I want to focus on our senior citizen volunteers. Our senior volunteers are incredibly essential to our success. Some are board members and regular volunteers. A
prime example is Steve who is a busy, retired guy. Yet, he has decided to give us his time
and service in organizing and storing our food. Every Tuesday morning, except when he’s
traveling, he is at the H.E.L.P. House. And on other days, he decides to join us for more!
We need other seniors to think about “Being A Steve.”
There are so many reasons to think about using your time to volunteer.
It is faith personified.
It can bring gratitude to your own life and make you feel like you have more time and feel happier.
It can prevent isolation
It can keep you active and involved in your community.
The National Institute on Aging has stated that participating in meaningful activities can improve your own life in many ways including longevity, mental health, and a feeling of reaching out.
We have many different ways you can be involved during the week, regardless of your ability or disability.
Mondays, we are preparing our soup kitchen meals for 4:00 deliveries and 5:00 in the H.E.L.P. House, and there are never enough hands. On Tuesdays, we work without being open to clients. We are storing our food from Mid-Ohio Food Bank and organizing our blessings of clothing donations. We have “departments” and areas that need some consistent coordinating. By the way, we enjoy our time together as well!
Will you think about it? Call me during the times listed and we can talk more!
In Loving Kindness, Dee
Delores Heilman, Founder & Director
Shopping List
For our clients, and for the H.E.L.P. House, we always need:
Toilet tissue
Hand soap
Peper towels
Hand sanitizer
Any baby items
We always dream of:
Our own property
A new van
A delivery truck with a lift
Thanksgiving Outreach: November 23
Consistent with our “choice” food pantry, at our Thanksgiving Dinner Outreach, our clients pre-register to shop for a complete Thanksgiving Dinner, choosing the items they want to prepare on Thanksgiving Day. We will be setting up food stations. Some of our food will be purchased at the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, so your monetary donations can apply to those orders. Community groups and businesses often conduct food drives to donate to the H.E.L.P. House.
Create a donation box for us – and involve your kids!
Each day, add an item to a box for donating to the H.E.L.P. House for Thanksgiving or any day!
Donation drop-off times: Monday Noon-7; Tuesday 9-Noon; Wednesday 8-Noon;
Saturday 8-11 am
H.E.L.P. House Community Outreach, 122 East Center Street, London OH 43140
Volunteer Registration: Chandra at; 614-202-1741 text (preferred) or call